





template by
elegant masque

Sigh, there goes another one

My wife and I were going to go on vacation. We were going to rent an RV so that we won't need hotels and the like, and so that our baby (not such a baby anymore) wouldn't need to be strapped in a car seat for hours on end.

Yes, I know, when the RV is moving you're supposed to be in the seats buckled up, but really, we weren't going to do that to our toddler. He's a very active kid. He's also pretty darn muscular. He lifted his mom's 5-lb weight the other day. Not much for you or I, but it took both hands for him.

I was so looking forward to this vacation, especially since we never had a proper honeymoon and we've been wanting to visit her childhood home in Oregon. We were even going to visit family in Oregon.

So, the car broke. Actually the computer in the car broke. It is a $1000 repair job. That 's the $1000 that was going to be our half of the RV rental.

The car won't go in reverse - the computer won't acknowledge it. (This is one of the many reasons I prefer a manual transmission).

If only my motorcycle were repaired. As of now we are at zero vehicles.

On other news - my lawsuit. In March I petitioned for the name of the John Doe defendant so I could serve him. In May, I received the name and served him a summons. In June he failed to show up. The judge is a nice guy, he gave him a second chance to show up.

This guy is balking in the negotiations. He is trying to avoid even paying court costs. Considering that I sued for $600,000, and court costs are less than $500, he's really balking at a piddling amount, trying to settle for a mere retraction and apology.

He also got a bankruptcy attorney to file a motion for dismissal. This one was so crudely worded that I have already written a rebuttal that I will file. Next date is in July. If he doesn't show or reply by then, well, the case will be defaulted to me.

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