





template by
elegant masque

It's over

She is gone. I think she's still talking to me, but she is gone. She has left me.

(By saying she has left me I in no way imply that it was her responsibility. Usually if one leaves, the other is at fault unless a reason is given.)

I don't know how much I can write here about it. She met the woman I did not have an affair with, but I did not want to be affectionate at the time. It is awkward when different areas of ones life collide. That awkwardness in me caused trauma.

Now she is gone.

She told me "figure out what you want to do and then do it." So I prostrated myself on her driveway and tried to put her foot on my neck. Apparently it had SOME impact, because she picked me up off of the driveway to console me. It's probably still over, but that's what she did.

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