





template by
elegant masque


Ok, my few readers may have noticed the artwork change. This is due to problems with her website, not due to any of the personal problems between us, and even if they were, she is not to be held accountable for them.

Now that that is out of the way, I want to describe current events here. I have decided that I do not ever want to become a parent. My nephew is sweet, cute, intelligent, and a lot more work than I ever anticipated from not being his parent. I have already expressed my distaste with turmoil, and that is what little kids are.

Plus I'm stuck in Georgia and want to go home.

What am I going to do? The longer I stay here the more depressed I get about being here. This was a great place to be as a teenager, but is no longer such a great place for me as an adult who has not lived here for several years. The last time I lived here was from June 1994 to March 1996, and then the Military kept me far away from home. In retrospect, that year I spent hating Korea was great, because I was 13 time zones away from home.

I do not know anyone here anymore. The old clubs I used to go to are gone. The few places that remain no longer have the same people.

So as a result, I don't have anywhere to go when I can't stand the environment of the house. At least if I was in Los Angeles and had to get out of the apartment, I could go somewhere.

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