





template by
elegant masque

He's back!!!!

He's back. My sweet little puppy is back. I'm so happy he's back, I want to spoil him to apologize for even thinking of leaving him.

I took him to the pound, because they do the putting to sleep and maybe find a new home. I couldn't sleep all night, I kept thinking of him alone and scared, wondering why I abandoned him. I cried all night, and the next morning. I went to get him. Now he's back. My good little doggy is back.

I'm going to try harder to find a treatment that works on his skin. Tea tree oil seems to do well, although it's strong smelling and he's not very happy about it.

I couldn't have lived with myself had I let the pound take care of him. He deserved better. If someday I have to put him down, it will happen in the loving arms of his master, so he can have comfort in his final moments.

It was wrong to do that to him. He's a good dog and deserved better.

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