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elegant masque

It happened again

Well, I created a diaryring called "falseaccused" for a reason. Once again I am falsely accused.

This time it is a blog that, until they accused me, I knew nothing about. Apparently the author of that blog was being harassed in his comments section by a troll that he dubbed "The Troll of Sorrows". This troll was also leaving rude and harassing comments in the comments secion of other blogs that were friendly to this guy.

Well, he did some research and came to the erroneous conclusion that I was the author. I found it on a google search of my name. Ok, I'm vain and actually do that once in a while.

It's bad enough to be falsely accused, but this guy, in addition to printing my real name, printed my address and phone number, a few email addresses, and a list of items of information about me, some true some false.

Another blog, one of the friendly ones, quoted him.

I spent a fruitless two weeks trying to convince them I was not guilty. One of them said to keep it up because I was just proving I was the troll, because my writing style was different. The other simply deleted the comments.

Someone said that if the author took down the info, I would probably stop commenting on it. True enough, when he took it down, I did stop asking him to take it down. The second blog deleted every comment I made stating my innocense but eventually sent me an email saying she felt that maybe the first guy was wrong.

I know one of my readers is convinced I did this, but she's convinced I'm guilty of everything anyway.

I gave them an opportunity to retract, then I filed a libel lawsuit against them both.

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