





template by
elegant masque

Libel Update

Well well well. The libelers have realized they might have the wrong man.

It turns out there were 3, not 2, blogs that mentioned me, but all three have edited out the offensive entries and one of them is not stored in the Google Cache or Yahoo Cache so is completely inaccessible. It's gone down the internet's memory hole.

So I can't file against the 3rd since I have no proof.

The 3rd and the 2nd contacted me by email, saying that they will act upon my protestations of innocense, and can I please get the troll (who I don't know) to leave them alone.

I asked the 3rd what he said. I wonder if he'll reply.

The first never contacted me, but did take down the page.

While that was my ultimate goal, I'm not satisfied. I just don't know if I should go all the way in filing libel charges against them. It would be nice to have them pay for my motorcycle repairs, my car, my student loans, my wife's student loans, etc.

On the other hand, they do seem to be somewhat conciliatory.

No they don't. While the best of all possible worlds would be a retraction and apology, I didn't get a retraction or apology. All I got was "well, we'll believe you and take this down."

Should I offer them a chance to give a retraction and apology, or do my previous offers constitute that?

I don't like being mean, so I don't know if I should drop the case. Maybe I'll tell them that I already spent $2,000 on a laywer and don't want to see that money wasted.

I will insist that they try to pressure the primary offender to talk to me.

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