





template by
elegant masque

Developmental Delay

Little A is now almost 4. He's actually 3 years 9 months. Unfortunatley he's acting like he's 1 year 8 months.

I've been worried for at least a year about this, but only just last month got him checked out. First his pediatrician noticed his behavior was odd, so she referred us to a specialist.

So we go to the specialist to ask why he appears to be two years behind, acting like he's almost two when he's almost four. The specialist diagnoses him as acting like he's almost two when he's almost four.

Thanks a lot doc.

Well, he did tell us that A doesn't appear to be autistic. He's merely got a general developmental delay both in skills and language. So now we're taking him to the nearby elementary school for a specialist to help with giving him speech therapy and occupationaly therapy.

I hate public schools. But we need the help of a specialist.

After each diagnosis, R (my wife) burst into a fairly hysterical sobbing. Her family's method of dealing with developmental delay is to say "he/she will do it when he/she is ready". That's the attitude they've taken with the youngest in my wife's family, who is so painfully shy she can't even order fast food on her own.

I was blaming my genes, while R was blaming her parneting, but A is to easy going and good natured for it to be my genes alone. There's some of his aunt (my wife's sister) in him too.

I hope we can catch him up.

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