





template by
elegant masque

An Island of Happiness

I went shopping today, to get the woman in my life some groceries while she lives at her mother's house. I thought she should get more, but she assured me that we had gotten enough.

That was a pleasant enough diversion, but then I found myself irresistably attracted to her once we got back to her house. So what if I'm a fool. Perhaps I went too far.

I am stil feeling guilt over what I did to my fish, I hope they are doing well now that they are free. I hope I didn't just kill the whole bunch of them. Oh well, it's probably for the best because the water filter just died. I'll just drain the water and clean the tank.

I still need a job, and no new responses came in today.

Ok, the filter just came back on.

Back to the job. I'm going to have to start calling them and bugging them some more. I've done it before, but always got the "Thanks for calling, we are looking, we'll call you back" response. I think I should push VERY hard to actually come in for an interview. Maybe I should even walk in to their office to check on the status of my application, and see if an interview can be arranged on the spot. I wonder how Pushy someone has to be to get a job. I think I must find out.

My life stinks worse than my dog's fur and my cat's litter box combined.

Today was pretty damn good though.

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