





template by
elegant masque

Another Day, Another Rejection

I received another rejection today. Just what I needed, right? I'm already depressed about being unemployed and then the most promising lead I had rejected me.

Just what I wanted to hear. I need to get a specialized degree, need it badly. There is no such thing these days as someone who is qualified without holding a specialized degree. One of the reasons I want to undo what I have done in the past is so that I can major in something more specific than Math.

Damn it, I was so proud, I had majored in something so widely applicable, I can do so many jobs, had one of the hardest majors a college can offer, and now I find out it was just giving myself a running start before I hit the brick wall of life.

And hit it I did. Hard. So hard that the only way to peel myself of the brick wall of life was to join the military.

I wish I could afford to fill up a moving truck and go back home. I'd quit the Guard (it does me little good anyway) and just move to Georgia. That is one of my three desperation plans, but I can't afford it.

My other two desperation plans include rejoining the military and what I talked about two entries ago.

DAMN IT! Someone give me a job! I need to depend on someone else, and I can't do a damn thing about it!

I guess I'm not meant to succeed.

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