





template by
elegant masque


Ah. Temp agencies. Gotta love them. I now have a job, but zero hours per week. They loved having someone with my skills, but nowhere to apply them.

And the drain in my economic situation continues.

I am trying to hold out until March so that I can finish the declaration of bankruptcy that last years accident is leading to. Then I will be quite relieved to be bankrupt.

Last night some jerk 14 year old boy tried to pick up on me on line. He asked my "age/sex/location", so I told him "30/m/california." At this point I didn't know his gender either, and thought a chat might be a pleasant diversion. The 14 year old was amazed that someone of 30 years was talking to it, and started asking for a picture.

I gave it the URL of a picture of me that is already online. It was too stupid to figure out that that was the location of the photo, so kept asking me to send one, until I told it AGAIN where the photo was. Apparently the second time it figured out that "http://yadda yadda yadda" means go to that address. I realized I was talking to a real idiot, but was curious.

It's response "You're a guy?", "Yes", "You Gay?", "No", "Fuck you nigga, I don't talk to no guys."

I figured out it was a horny teenage boy looking for a hole in which to stick his dick, and reported his profanity to AOL. Actually, I realized it was a guy when he was amazed at my gender. I guess he wouldn't have minded a gay guy, since they would be on the receiving end.

Ok, I have a feminine appearing AOL screen name.

I knew at the confusion of "go to this address to see a picture" that I was dealing with a moron. I had no intention of having it go anywhere, but watching his annoyance at discovering my lack of compatability was interesting. Then again, some people are unable to express annoyance without profanity, and he was such a type, utterly useless.

Ah well. The world is full of useless people. One of them probably has my job.

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