





template by
elegant masque

House Cleaning

Ok, nothing really changed. Unemployment will run out soon if I don't find a job soon, and the trip to Saudi is no guarantee.

I spent the day cleaning my apartment, especially the kitchen. I am 30, and a bachelor can no longer be a slob once his 20s are over. I now have a clean kitchen, and I have discovered I like it. In addition, I have been packing more and dusting a lot.

Now I'm financially in the negative until Wednesday, and starting to run out of supplies, especially Dog Food. My dog is going to be so pissed.

Well, since I am going bankrupt, I have decided to keep my apartment when I am gone because you can't rent one in Los Angeles if you have a bankruptcy on your record. It is some sort of rule, and it is really annoying me because of how it is biting a very good friend of mine. She needs a place of her own, but no landlord will rent. At least I was able to help a little by giving her the names and addresses of her state and federal politicians.

Time for me to get ready to go to bed. It's early but I'm tired and I have to get up early tomorrow.

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