





template by
elegant masque

Paging Ms. PotKettle

Well, I have just been hit with a restraining order against me by my ex. Guess what, since I have no desire to contact her, I really don't care much about it. This is just another way for her to harass me, since now that I have an order against me, I must sell my 9 mil.

She's the one that calls me repeatedly between midnight and five AM, and the restraining order is against me.

She's the one who writes rude messages in my guestbook, and the restraining order is against me.

She's the one who takes great delight in telling me that her friends want to beat me up, and the restraining order is against me.

She's the one who has acted out violently, and the restraining order is against me.

She's is concerned about something threatening I said in my sleep, yet while she was fully awake she had fantasies about klling me. The restraining order is against me.

So what? If she contacts me after this, I will simply tell the police that she is violating her own restraining order. Even though that's not an offense, I will tell them anyway.

I do plan on going to the hearing, because the judge needs to know that this is harassment, nothing more. He is being used as a tool of harassment against me.

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