





template by
elegant masque

Believing a fantasy

When can something be called a lie? Is it a lie when the person believes what they are saying, even if what is said is untrue? If so, not only have I lied in the past, many lies are being told about me by someone who hates me.

If a lie is when a person says something that they know to be false, then of course no lies are being told because the falsehoods are believed. That is not the case, but it is the contrast.

There isn't much that I can do about it, except to try to tell the other side of the story when I can. Since the subject is actually believed, anything I say will be considered false, even though it isn't.

I am an object of hatred. Like so many of such objects, I am accused of having the feelings that are directed towards me. I supposedly hate the person who hates me. Of course, denial is considered a lie since the lie is considered the truth. I wonder what else, what other imaginings, have been added to the story that is the straw man image of me ... there really is no way of knowing.

I feel a sadness when I ponder the one who hates me. I recognize that I am in part responsible for what happened, but I am not filled with hatred.

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