





template by
elegant masque


Well, I'm sorry my last entry was so blunt. I much prefer to be philosophical in outlook, but events were far from philosophical.

They still are for other reasons. I have a tremendous toothache and will soon have a root canal. I'm nervous about it, it will be next Monday, but hopefully all will turn out well. My tooth has been hurting so that it keeps me awake at night in pain. Thankfully I have a powerful painkiller/sleepaid in my medicine cabinet.

I have found something extraordinary. If you like Ginger Ale, let me tell you that you have never had Ginger Ale before. I went to a Whole Foods store, and had a REAL Ginger Ale. It was powerful, potent, and delicious. The competitors are selling sugar-water.

The difference is that the real stuff uses real ginger.

I'm disorganized. I'm tired. I didn't sleep that well because of my tooth. I'm outta here.

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