





template by
elegant masque


Well, what can I say. My girlfriend and I had our first unpleasant dispute. We were having one of our common arguments - who's luckier now that we've found each other - and she slapped me hard enough to sting.

We've slapped each other's rears often enough, but never face. She might be just ever so slightly violent. I'll have to keep an eye on that just in case it turns out to be a problem. I am a non-violent person, so much so that when my ex delivered what was a rather vicious insult one time, and she thought I might hit her as a result, I merely left the apartment to cry on a friend's shoulder.

I told her to not hit me, and she started to tear up. I didn't want to upset her, so I just held her until she calmed down a bit. The problem is, there's no nice way to say "you hit me."

I had to replace the mirrors on my motorcycle, and the Harley dealer sold me the wrong ones. I had long stem mirrors, and now I have short stem mirrors. I like the long stem more, because they give greater visibility. Both mirrors working together, and I used to be able to see directly behind me. I can't do that anymore. As soon as I can, I will replace them. But first, I need a sissy bar, a sissy pad, side plates, and docking hardware.

I took the plunge. I have registered to take the LSAT. Hopefully by this time next year I will be enrolled at UCLA Law School. I want to become a lawyer. I am very tired of electronics, as much as I enjoy the field. I was pulled into it by the Air Force, by a recruiter who convinced me I could change careers easily. Stilly liar. Now I want to go into something that not only do I have skill at, I could enjoy as well.

Then I can become a judge and erase whole sections of the Federal Register by a few creative rulings of "Unconstitutional."

The weekend is over, so my girlfriend has gone back to her home on the other side of the mountain. I miss her already.

This weekend is a Guard Weekend. That normally would mean we see each other, but this time we are camping out. I hate camping out. I despise camping out. We are camping out. I won't see her this weekend.

I'm tired of living apart from her, and I'm tired of the military.

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