





template by
elegant masque

Going well

I would like to say hello to my newest reader to leave me a note, although I cannot understand why my guestbook did not work.

The new car is working well, in spite of my worries about the cost. The monthly payments are under the max that I figured I could afford. It seems to be going well, but I'm still a worrier.

This Friday we go out and get the marriage license. I find myself getting excited in spite of myself. I am excited about getting married, but this ... asking for permission to marry? I asked her dad already, I don't need no stinkin' permission from the government. Except that I do. What a fucking world.

That reminds me, I need to rearrange the retirement plan at work. Economics looking like it does, I want to switch more to gold. I also need to remember to add her to my benefits.

I've got good news. I found even better Lego parts sources, and can now get some rare missing parts to complete my collection. I'm happy!

So, with a month and a half to go until the big day, adieu.

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