





template by
elegant masque

Internet Libel

Well well well.

I ran across a blog today. Actually, it was referred to me by an acquaintance.

This blog has been pestered by a troll, who leaves rude and outrageous comments in the guest book.

The author of the blog thinks the troll is me. Not Gothicvoid, but me, in real life, the man behind the cool screen name.

So he posted my real life info on his blog. He also posted some other stuff, but a lot of it was me. Available by Google Searches actually.

He also posted about how I was obscene and schitzophrenic.

I've left a message in the guestbook sayin "C is not I and I am not C. Please do not involve me in your conflict."

I hope I can convince this person to take down my personal information.

OMG - what if this is psycho ex? By posting in her blog, I will have violated the mutual restraining order. It would be like her to try to trap me that way having failed to hurt me the last two years. Probably not, though.

See, I call my ex psycho, but I never post her name, address, phone number, picture, etc. In fact, I haven't posted any of her screen names, email addresses, or other personal info. I have given you absolutely no indication of who she is. Technically I could be speaking about someone who doesn't exist, and there is no way to prove I am speaking about her or connect anything I say to her.

On the other hand, this jerk has given every indication of who I am, while confusing me with the person who is trolling his blog.

I need to research internet libel.

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