





template by
elegant masque

Parental Duties

So my wife and I are still trying to buy a house and...

My father finally realizes he can't live his extravagant lifestyle anymore and comes to me for help. After his recent bankruptcy he's more than $10k in debt PULS a mortgage on a house with criminal housemates who are constantly scamming money out of him. He has wasted his entire retirement savings, and owes taxes on what he wasted.

He still has Social Security and his pension.

He came to me to help fix everything.

Well, I've taken over his finances and am setting up payment schedules for everything. The only major obstacle will the the IRS and the StateRS. They can totally destroy any plan I develop. I had to set up a joint bank account with him so I can manage his finances. There is a very limited number of banks that have offices on both coasts.

That does put me at some minor personal risk of being held to account for his bills, but hopefully not.

As stressful as it is for me, it's worse for my mom. All I'm doing is making financial arrangements for money that isn't mine. She's got to take in the bastard after she divorced him 3 years ago.

We're trying to move him into a retirement facility, if the IRS will leave sufficient remainder income to allow it. He cannot stay with his mom, his ex-wife. If necessary we'll move him across country to the house my wife and I are trying to get, although R hates the idea. She does recognize that it's the best remaining alternative though.

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