





template by
elegant masque

I screwed up

I was going to continue on the last chain of entries, describing my dilemma with A and R, the wife and the best friend. But something came up.

The friend and I were going out last Thursday, one week ago, and I finally let slip. I told her I love her.


I'm not planning on doing anything inappropriate, and she wouldn't participate if I was planning on it. She really is a good person that way. But still, I wasn't planning on telling her and yet I did anyway.

I hope I didn't ruin anything, but you never know. She cancelled our tutoring session (math tutor, I'm a math whiz) for this Saturday. She said she had to work she probably does, but still I'm always a little suspicious.

Also, I now have a new motorcycle. I couldn't afford it really, but I really needed it. So now I have it.

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